General Information
Digital badges are the primary tool used by Chicago Cities of Learning to document the knowledge and skills Learners have gained through participating in CCOL activities. Creating badges that reflect the depth of the learning opportunities that they are associated with is an extremely important part of designing your Organization's learning catalog in CCOL. Before proceeding, please refer to your local Badge Design training materials for more in depth discussion of the metadata behind the Badges, and make sure that you have met all requirements of your local Badge design approval process.
Before proceeding, please check with your CCOL organization administrator to make sure that you have an admin account set up with the proper permissions. Please refer to this article to learn more about the different types of admin access.
There are three simple ways to create a Badge in CCOL:
3 Simple Ways To Get Started
To help you work faster, we have added immediate access to the Add Badge page from several locations on the Dashboard:
- Method 1: Log into your Organization's Admin Dashboard and click the "Add Badge" button under the Current Badges count. You will be taken to the Add Badge page.
- Method 2: Click the Badges link on the left hand side of the dashboard to go to the Org Badges page. Once there, click the "Add Badge" button at the top of the page. You will be taken to the Add Badge page:
- Method 3: Click on the Programs link on the left hand side of the dashboard to go to the Org Programs page. Click on the Program that you would like to add a Badge to. Program Detail page, click the "Add Badge" button in the "Badges" panel. You will be taken to the Add Badge page:
Create and Publish Your Badge
Once you arrive at the Add Badge page:
- Enter a Badge Name and complete the other fields to describe your badge:
- On each field there are helpful tooltips to guide you on the content that should be entered. You can hide these by clicking the "Hide Form Descriptions" box on the right hand side of your screen. When you have finished entering your information in each field, click the green "Continue" button to advance to the next entry screen. Click the red "Cancel" button at any time to stop creating your badge and exit to your Org Dashboard:
- After you have completed entering your metadata on the "Badge Settings", "Criteria" and "Image" screens, you will arrive at the "Submit" screen. Here you can review all of the content that you have entered in a convenient location and quickly check for and correct mistakes:
- When you are finished entering and reviewing all metadata about your badge, click the green "Submit" button on the right hand side of the page. NOTE: Once you successfully create a Badge, it becomes live in the local Badge Library, so only click "Submit" if you are ready for the public to see your Badge:
- You should see a banner at the top of the page that declares that you have successfully created your Badge. You now have the ability to edit, manage issuing of or award this Badge.
Viewing & Editing Badge Information
In order to view and edit a Badge:
- Log into your organization's admin dashboard and click the "Badges" link on the left hand side to go to the Org Badges page.
- Locate the Badge that you would like to edit, and click the "View Details" button on the Badge card.
- You will be taken to the Badge Details page. Here you can view the Badge description, see demographic information for Learners that have earned the Badge, see and modify what Programs are able to award the badge, and edit the badge metadata. To edit the metadata, click "Edit Details" in the top right:
- By clicking the "Edit Details" link, you will be taken to the Edit Badge page. Here, you can edit all of the information about this Badge. See "Create and Publish Your Badge" above for further details on editing the fields.
- When you are finished editing the Badge, click the green "Submit" button to save your changes. You will see a banner declaring that the Badge was updated successfully.
Modify Who Can Award This Badge
In order to modify what Programs and Organizations can issue this Badge:
- On the Badge Details page, click the "Add Program to Badge" link in the "Programs" panel:
- You will be taken to the Manage Badge Issuers page. Here, you can choose to allow any Programs added to a specific Folder to issue a Badge, select or remove individual Programs that are able to issue the Badge, or allow another Organization to issue the badge:
- When you have made your selections, click the "Update Badge Issuers" button. You will see a banner declaring that the Badge Issuers were updated successfully, and be taken back to the Badge Details page to continue working.
- If you chose to allow additional Organizations to issue the badge, the Org Admins will receive a notification by email.
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