General Information
Groups is a feature that must be turned on for your Organization in the Admin Dashboard before you can begin using it. Please check with your City Administrator if you do not see the Groups option in the Dashboard.
Creating A New Group
You can create a new group in a few easy steps:
- Click the Groups link in the navigation panel to go to the Org Groups page:
- The Org Groups page is where you will go to view existing and create new Groups. To create a new Group, click the "+Add Group" button at the top right:
- On the Add Group modal, select a Folder and a Program to associate the new Group with. All Groups must be associated with a Program in your Org. Currently, each Program can only be associated with a single Program:
- Once you choose a Program, you can proceed with customizing the Group name, description and logo. The system will initially auto-fill the name, description and logo based on the Program selected:
- By default, all Groups are "Inactive" when they are first created. You can change this to "Active" if the Group is ready for Learners to join. This setting can be edited at any time:
- When you are done customizing your Group, click the "Create Group" button:
- You will see your new Group card on the Org Groups page.
Edit A Group
After you have created a group, you can easily change the details and the status between active/inactive:
- Click the small pencil icon in the top right corner of any Group card on the Org Groups page:
- In the Edit Group modal, edit the desired fields and click "Update Group":
- You will see your edited Group card on the Org Groups page. Learners will see your updates immediately.
Next Steps
Now that you have created a Group, click below to see how to create Playlists for your Learners to engage with, or see how any of the other Group features work:
- Create a New Group
- Create and Manage Your Playlists
- Add Content to Your Playlists
- Add User and Mentor Reactions
- Add Users to Your Group
- Manage Your News Feed
- Review User Submissions
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